Thursday, December 3, 2015

Apple's Rumored iPhone 7c Might Turn Out To Be Interesting

The iPhone makers need something to increase sales even in the next quarter, and a new smaller phone in line might be a good option to consider
According to a recent article published in Motley Fool, it was seen that there is an increasing number of analysts in the tech industry who have their eyes set on the stock activities of Apple Inc and have grown to worry about its future now. This is basically coming in relation with the sales of its famous smart phone, which won hearts of a huge crowd, resulting in a larger than life revenue generation for the company. The tech giant, with its iPhone 6 and 6 Plus reported record sales, beating all of its own records which it made previously. However, things might not be as fancy for the Californian giant anymore which is why analysts in the market have turned rather concerned for its future.
Analysts have already stated that the near term future is expected to be a little worrisome for Apple business as long as it does not come up with a gadget which manages to get sold in double the amount as the latest iPhones, which clearly seems like too good to be true.  However, to believe that the software giant is not planning up something to balance out its sales for the quarter might sound too thick, as reports suggest that the tech company has already been planning to make a huge launch of a new phone in line; iPhone 7c.
There already have been a lot of rumors regarding Apple’s management thinking about making a new phone already, and these rumors started when the giant was getting ready to release iPhone 6s and 6s Plus. Now that the release of the latter has been carried out effectively, reports have emerged which state that the software company is now working on a smaller smart phone which might be released either in the first quarter of the next year or in the second one. This phone is also been considered as an upgraded version of ‘iPhone 5s’ which is expected to either have the A8 processor or the A9 one.
The most interesting factor which the industry pundits choose to focus on, however, is about how the phone will be a 4-inch one, a much smaller version as compared to what already has been offered by the company to the users. Continuing the legacy of the 5c iPhones, the iPhone 7c is also expected to be made available in a number of different colors. Analysts believe that this new iPhone in line means the customers might be getting the best of both the 5c series along with the best of iPhone 6.

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