Sony has the chance to take advantage of PS4 being a head in game and being better than Xbox One. E3 could be the time when it introduces something jaw-dropping.
Latest Sony news is regarding its presence at E3 2015 beginning from Monday, 15th June. It is going to be a lot of challenge for the tech giant at E3, this year. It is clear from the position that Sony holds with the top sales performer when it comes to console market that then it has to pull some punches with PS4 if the company wishes to stay ahead of Nintendo and Microsoft. Over the past years, the company has set their eyes only and purely on games.
What shall be done by the company this year to make it more interesting for the gamers? There are few of CNET editors with their views as to what should the company introduce this year to win the gamers’ hearts. There have been more than 22 million PS4 consoles that have been sold. This points out that things are quite well for the company at the moment. However, there is always more competition and room for improvement. For improvement and new announcements, no other venue could serve better than E3 for the tech giant to flex the muscles.
One of the editors expressed that they wish for an extended demo of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. It has been proven by Naughty Dog that it is able to create most jaw-dropping, compelling and awe-inspiring action sequences and set pieces in all the games ever produced. In order to make up for the game’s delay till next year, E3 could be the time to suffice for the delay and show some spectacular things.
Sony news states that one other editor wanted to see Driveclub struggles to be owned by the company. It’s more like an elephant in the room till the company addresses it. This game has had problems. They should take the ownership in the struggles with the game and also tell the world why it won’t happen with Gran Turismo 7. Also it needs to assure the PS4 owners that first party games and the new ones are going to be released. After all, the company itself has accepted that the lineup for first party games has been a little sparse.
The company needs to come out swinging at E3 2015. Since the sales of PS4 is leading Xbox One, the company is well aware of the fact that it has the console that people like. However, the momentum can only be a continuous process when the tech giant holds the end of bargain. The PS4 will not be able to sustain the sales for a longer period of time with that high price tag because nothing speaks better to a consumer than the low price tag.
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