The Facebook acquired Consumer Rift shall come to the consumers in 2016 for better VR experience.
The wait is finally over. The latest Facebook news is that the Oculus Rift’s release date has been unveiled. The Facebook owned company announced that the finished version of the Rift which is a virtual reality headset will be coming to the consumers in the first quarter of the year 2016. However, the preorders will be open for all in later this year.
There have been several iterations that Oculus Rift has come across since the time it had been launched on Kickstarter in 2012 summer. The product has experienced two development kits and also more than one prototype among which the most recent one was Crescent Bay design. This design had appeared last year. The prototype uses two displays which are small in size, a camera with external tracking functionality and also very carefully designed software which helps creating the illusion of 3D space. Specifically after it had been acquired by Facebook in 2014, Oculus had begun de-emphasizing on the hard technical details but the blog post by the company expressed that few specifics for the Rift being launched for consumers are going to be unveiled next week.
There are some other intriguing promises that Oculus made. The post said, "In the weeks ahead, we’ll be revealing the details around hardware, software, input, and many of our unannounced made-for-VR games and experiences coming to the Rift.” It has been said by the company that consumer Rift will be similar to that of Crescent Bay. There have been few games that have been announced for the Consumer Rift, it include CCP’s EVE Valkyrie. The unannounced titles could come as big news.
Facebook news reports that mentioning the input could possibly be even bigger news. Last year, the company bought Nimble VR, a hand tracking company. There had been the speculation that it will announce some custom controller. The input could refer to the third party controller’s work with Rift. One thing that has not been mentioned is the price. The second generation of the Rift had been on sale for $350 last year but for the consumer Rift, company hopes to stay in between $200 to $400. The Oculus wants to see the Rift in the real world stores and expects the VR to be the next big thing in the Virtual Reality phenomenon. The company has single handedly revived the interest in the consumer VR and is unarguably more willing as compared to the competitors such as HTC and Sony. While there had been many Oculus Rift developments over the past years, the consumer release is the big test for the company.
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