Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Facebook Messenger Platform To Explore Horizons and Realizing Full Potential


Latest Facebook news, the initiative of creating a platform by Facebook is for the purpose of owning the experience with smart phone internet in such unique way which has been unknown to West so far.
There are many examples of Asian apps that have broaden vision of messaging. The apps that can be of help for Facebook in this initiative are WeChat from China. It offers games, multimedia or camera appsWeChat belongs to Tencent and it has become the basic mobile internet gateway within years.
However, according to the Facebook news, it is not on the path of introducing games within the messenger app or outside. It is more inclined towards media via integration of apps belonging to third-party. For example, those apps could be GIF portal GiphyESPN – a news content portal, Facebook’s in-house selfie apps. It has unveiled the feature that lets to bridge the gap between the business and consumers by letting them communicate directly via Messenger. It is similar to Path though. We don’t see any up-coming announcement of it being integrated with Uber, despite the fact that Uber does allow third-party apps integration and on request services as well.
This might be possible that these services get integrated with Messenger in coming days or months. This approach is necessary for Facebook if it has to grow and become a useful portal like WeChat. But there could be one reason why the social network giant is not rushing into this advancement as for now, it needs to test the few advancements first in US which is the second largest smart phone using country. Ironically no chat app has been a hit so far in this region as well.
There are major cultural differences between the regions therefore creating the app as that of belonging to China would be a greater challenge in U.S. In Asia, many consumers are on pre-pay mobile packages and therefore, fee text messaging and voice calls via Internet are an attractive functionalities.
Many people in these regions have to pay for the text messages and calls, in package deal or individual. Therefore when internet-powered communications such as that of WeChat, Line or WhatsApp have sudden and powerful value that keeps the user hooked to these applications.
On the other hand, iMessage and low cost of SMS in U.S makes it challenging for Facebook to make a convincing use case. The same goes for Facebook Messenger, Twitter DMs and related social network. The major question is, if you were able to communicate with your friends for free for all these years, why would you be switching now?

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