Thursday, April 16, 2015

Yahoo Inc. Will Have To Prove That It Can Survive Without Alibaba

 yahoo , baba

Yahoo Inc. and Alibaba Group parted ways a long time ago. It was reported that according to Yahoo latest news that the company planned to spin off its shares from Alibaba Group Holding few months ago. However analysts were concerned about how this decision will affect Yahoo in the coming times. According to Harry McCracken, he says that the American based multinational corporation will have to prove the world that it has what it takes to survive as well as thrive on its own. It was believed that Alibaba boosted the company performance in the market.
Harry McCracken is well reputed tech analyst and editor who work for Fast Company. McCracken recently wrote a well detailed report which mentioned about how the CEO of Yahoo has been a catalyst in the company’s recent performances. He said that many analysts and experts wrote off Yahoo once the decision of spinning off shares from the e-commerce giant was announced. Analysts did not expect the internet company to make a comeback. However, everyone now agrees that the stakes of Alibaba that the company owns has saved the company as well as its CEOMarrisa Mayers, from all the view of negativity and hopelessness by people about the core business.
Harry McCracken said “The Yahoo stock has done really well during her tenure but that is because it was a way to invest in Alibaba and they are about to spin off their Alibaba investment. So moving forward, Yahoo has to do well by being Yahoo.” What’s left is that the company will have to step ahead and prove that it can perform on its own merits as well to bring success to the business like old times.
McCracken said that Marrisa Mayers has changed the company for good. Had it been not for her, the company must have been under the shadows of someone else or struggling in the market. The tech editor mentioned that Ms. Mayers has been quite successful in putting the right building blocks at the right time to revamp its business. Through her leadership and management, the company now has a fighting chance to stand and compete against its peers and competitors in the industry.
In her tenure so far, the company has managed to make smart purchases and acquisitions which has helped it to flourish, for instance the acquisition of Flurry. Moreover, Ms. Mayer worked hard to expand the staff of mobile developers from 50 to 500 to excel in that field.
It is quite likely that Yahoo can now stand on its own and perform well in the market.

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